

Anne McCaffrey

Bruce Sterling

Douglas Adams

Literary List
Discussions about literature. (Duh!)
Type: Subscribe literary
Peter Dick
List for fans of writer Peter Dick.
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Tom Clancy

Toni Morrison


Call of the Wild
Sink your fangs into the full text of Jack London's classic literary novel.
Cask of Amontillado
Deep, dark, and pondering weary through an Edgar Allan Poe archive.
Complete Shakespeare
Peruse everything from "The Tempest" to "Romeo and Juliette."
Discourse on Reason
Get the point? There are tons and tons of amazing books at this site.
Where man is square and woman is line. Read about the two-dimensional universe.
I'd rather live there than here. Great novel by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilmen.
You never would've guessed some goof would actually translate the bible into pig latin.
If only Alice had Internet access, she could download this treasure.
The Awakening
And other short stories by 19th century writer Kate Chopin are available here.
Up From Slavery
Read Booker T. Washington's horrifying look at American slavery.
Wuthering Heights
Man loves Woman. Woman marries Other Man. Man gets bitter. Online.


Brothers Karamazov
Three brothers. A dead Father. God. Love. Property. Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Hacker Crackdown
Bruce Sterling's famous novel about security issues in cyberspace.
Mormons Online
Mormon founder Joseph Smith's small catechisms.
Preservation Microfilming Guide
Booooring. But if you are a librarian, it could be useful.
Read words of BC feminist philosopher Sappho. No, it did not start with Steinem.
Sense and Sensibility
If you are craving a little Jane Austen, this is a good place to start.
Just in case you'd rather use Gopher instead of FTP to read his stuff.
Volatile Voltaire
Seized by U.S. customs in 1930 for obscenity, Candide is now safe online.

World Wide Web

A Tramp Abroad
Something tells me this is not about "lady" or her lover going overseas.
Anarchist Cookbook
Spunk Press carries excerpts from the famous book at this Web site.
Chicago Poems
One of my favorites. Carl Sandburg is so amazingly cool. READ THESE.
What would the Prince fit Cinderella with in cyberspace -- VR goggles?
Civil Disobedience
Activists unite with Henry David Thoreau's novel about peaceful rebellion.
Divine Principle
Explore Eastern philosophies with great writer Sun Myung Moon.
Shadows...creepy vampires....silent screams. You know the story, read it online.
E for Ecstacy
A book about the drug MDMA. Currently, this book is banned from Australia.
Read about the world's first droid. Heh heh. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals
Leave it to Kant to have a title this long.
Ice 9 Publications
You can buy Book of the Subgenious, Answer Me, and more at this site.
Leaves of Grass
Well, Walt Whitman is a bore to me, but if you like him, go here.
Mistakes of Jesus
We all know Jesus was super-human and never went to the bathroom. Gads.
I have no idea what this book is about, but I like the title.
Emily Dickinson will rock you. OK, maybe not, but if she's your speed, she's online.
And you call yourself a philosopher. Log on and read this. Lots of Aristotle's stuff is here.
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Catch this famous book by Irish writer James Joyce.
Profits of Religion
Upton Sinclair (author of The Jungle) explores the economy of religion.
Psychology of Revolution
Gustave Le Bon writes about revolution. Power to the people.
Subjection of Women
John Stuart Mills' book about women living in a democratic system.
Tao Teh King
Breath Deep. Clear your mind. Read the full text by Lao-Tzu online.
Vindication of the Rights of Women
By Mary Wollstoncraft. She was a way cool anarchist.
Wilde, Oscar
The complete short fiction collection of literary eccentric Oscar Wilde.
Wordsworth, William
A dose of poetry. The complete works of William Wordsworth.